The Ins & Outs Of Business Travel Business / Travel

It is, in many ways, very exciting to be able to travel for business, and if you are in the position of being able to do this then you are probably keen to make sure that you are going to do it right. Anyone who has done it a lot will tell you that there is quite a lot to consider if you want to make the most of it. But at first you might just wonder what kind of differences there might be between it and normal travel. In this article, we’re going to look at business travel – how to make the most of it, and how you should approach it if it is your first time.

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You’re On The Clock

Remember, you should act at all times as though you are on the clock, for you are. Even if you are the manager you should do this, as you want it to be clear to those back home that it is not a holiday, and you are actually working hard. This is to help avoid any feeling of envy amongst your staff, and to help keep you in line as you go around the globe too. In many ways, you will need to work harder than if you stayed at home – or at least for longer hours. Remember that, and act as though you are on the clock at all times.

Travel In Style

There is nothing that says you have to go cheap when you do go on your business trip. After all, there is much to be said for arriving in style, and a lot of that has to do with the manner in which you are travelling. In many cases, it might be sufficient to take a normal flight, but it is always worth considering the alternative of taking chartered flights with a private company, as that is truly a fantastic way to make a great first impression. Likewise, be careful about which hotels you book yourself into.

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Communicate Back Home

You need to make sure that you are always available to communicate with, which is of course easier than ever these days. It mostly just means that you need to keep your smartphone on, but make sure that you are using it as best as you can too. That means keeping notifications on for your email, texts and taking any calls that you might get whenever you can answer them. As long as you remain in touch with the base back home, you will find that you get a lot more out of the trip, and that others appreciate more the importance of what you are doing too.

As you can see, it is quite different to travel for business, and it can take some getting used to. But as long as you consider these elements, you should find that you are able to make business travel considerably better and easier, and get a lot more out of it too.


Sharni-Marie is the owner of the epic new marketing company Forj (M)arketing. She is a passionate marketer and business consultant with a huge vision to help small businesses forge their own way to future success. She loves to read and travel, always looking for experiences that broader her perspective.

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