The Hidden (But Oh-So-Real) Risks Of Office Life Health / Work

Health and safety risks at work are not solely contained to the oil rigs, construction sites, and asbestos mines of the world. Though it may not be as pronounced and as  dramatic as the accidents that can happen on more strenuous work sites, the health risks of office jobs are very real. Here are a few you need to be aware of and what you can do to fight them.

Back to basics

Back pain is a growing problem in the workplace. It’s being caused by a variety of different factors. Sedentary lifestyles, including long periods of hours spent sitting at a computer, are a high risk. Ergonomic office furniture can help you mitigate the strain that an individual’s weight places on their back. Allowing for five to ten minute breaks for walking, stretching, and so on is important, too. Many offices are incorporating fitness in the workplace to fight the risk of back pain. However, there’s a mental side to chronic pain that has to be addressed, as well.

Headspace in the workplace

Another factor that plays a part in just about every long-term health risk in the office is that of mental health. Stress can lead to and exacerbate chronic pain, it can affect the immune system, and it can lead to a break down when people are pushed far enough. Stressors such as unexpected and unfair responsibility, excessive overtime, and poor relationships in the workplace can all have a huge impact on the quality of life for the workforce. It’s important to deal with those stressors while enabling workers the opportunity to relax. Some workplaces will even incorporate stress counselling to help deal with the burden.

Digital dangers

Nowadays, a lot of modern office jobs involve spending hours of your day in very close proximity with your computer. This plays a role in the back health risks mentioned above, but also involves a lot of exposure to blue light. Without managing this effectively, this can lead to eyestrain, migraines, issues with sleeping patterns at night and more. DSE online training is becoming an increasingly common strategy of teaching workers in the office how to be healthy while working at the computer. As ever, offering them room to take breaks when necessary is essential, however.

Wipe away your worries

Hygiene in the office can’t be forgotten, of course. When it comes to employees who seem sick, it’s always safer to take the brunt and give them a sick day rather than risk it spreading through the office, cutting your productivity dramatically. Otherwise, offer employees the tools they need to maintain hygiene standards, from frequently restocking bathrooms to providing hand sanitizer and hand wash stations throughout the workplace. Teach them to wipe their desks, mice, and keyboards, as they are some of the more excessive harbors of bacteria.

The office needn’t be a risky space with the tips above. Keep in mind any health complaints your team might make and take whatever action necessary to mitigate the risk of it happening in the future.


Sharni-Marie is the owner of the epic new marketing company Forj (M)arketing. She is a passionate marketer and business consultant with a huge vision to help small businesses forge their own way to future success. She loves to read and travel, always looking for experiences that broader her perspective.

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