Tag: energy

Giving Up the Old to Pursue the New Motivate

“If you want to do something new, you have to stop doing something old.” – Peter Drucker As in life, also in business. There is only a limited amount of time, energy and resources available to you at any given moment. We like to cling to an illusion that we can have it all. But we can’t. The sooner we realise and accept that truth,...

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Isn’t this what we all want? Motivate

…To be Happy. Wealthy. Wise. Guest post by Gunnar Espedal.  Allow me to be a little personal. When I was a teenager at school I missed out in sport. This annoyed me so much that I decided to do something about it. I started training and saw my body be transformed from a chubby and shy boy, to become one of the schools top track...

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Sparks That Light My Fire Business / Motivate

Some people make you laugh a little louder, your smile a little brighter, and your life a little better. Being a visionary is hard. Following your dreams is really hard. Staying true to who you are and listening to what you need to help you come alive seems near impossible some days. Being an entrepreneur, a dreamer, a visionary, a leader means that on a...

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Imagine what’s possible Motivate

A new week. New energy. New focus. New resolutions. Successful people don’t make excuses, they make things happen. Review procedures. Change the inefficiencies. Build on what works. Reinforce the positive elements of your life, your work, your routines, your relationships. Be original. Be true to who you are. Be authentic. Create an authentic culture. Find a mentor. Learn from those around you – both successful...

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About Me

Sharni-Marie Barney

Sharni-Marie is the owner of an epic new marketing consultancy, Forj Marketing. She has a huge vision to help businesses forge their own way to future success. She loves to read and travel, always looking for experiences that broaden her perspective. She has big dreams.