How Sex Can Help You as an Entrepreneur Health / Motivate

This is a guest post by Missy A. Garcia.

Starting a business or running a business takes a lot of time, energy, and brain power.

Entrepreneurs usually have less sleep and work longer hours than a 9–5er as well. So, a sex life often is something that gets pushed to the side during these stressful times. This can go for both sexes, but especially for female entrepreneurs, as they will often have many other roles to play other than just ‘business woman’.

I want to empower you with a couple reasons and tools to help keep life exciting outside the bedroom as well as inside the bedroom.

Develop a ritual to take your foot off the brake. We all have an ‘accelerator’ and ‘brake’. Like a car, the accelerator will get you going and the brake will make you stop. You can’t go anywhere if you have one foot on the accelerator as well as the brake. So take your foot off the brake!

Discover what has your foot on the brake.

Are you doing any self-care? Do you need to exercise to release stress? Meditation or yoga? What about delegations of tasks so your to do list isn’t overflowing? Discover you’re ‘letting go’ channel and stick with it, to open the opportunity for the acceleration.

Discover and embrace the creativity that comes with your sexual energy.

You may not be aware but our sexual energy can be used to give birth too many things. Besides the obvious, it can also be used for creative ideas, projects and vitality. So, that means an active sex life can positively affect your business. Who knows what ideas may be generated during an orgasmic release.

Intimacy through communication.

Entrepreneurship can feel lonely at times. Stay connected with those you are intimate with through communication. Talk about needs, desires, and frustrations with projects and triumphs. Releasing those pent up emotions can take the foot off the brake and also naturally increase the desire to connect on the physical level.

Better sex life means less sick days and more work productivity.

Studies have shown that having sex at least once a week will increase your IgA antibodies which help protect you from catching a cold. Also, sex decreases the stress response in the body, promotes better sleep, and often times adds a bounce to your step. All of which can increase your productivity.

Having an active sex life can be beneficial to your entrepreneurial path.

Now that you know the power and the benefits create your stress releasing ritual to get your foot off the brake, start considering your sexual energy, and communicating about it. Use that sexual energy and release for all the benefits it is there to provide.


Missy is available to speak at your next event about her book launch, and the journey she has been on to break the mould in her own life to live empowered, and now how she is passionate to do the same for other women around the world. CONTACT HER HERE to enquire.

 “Women Who Inspire” is a collection of over 20 inspirational stories to fuel your soul’s deepest desires, authentic truth and divine purpose.


Missy A. Garcia

Missy A. Garcia is keynote speaker, author and a passionate wellness advocate. Missy is driven to help women to break the mould of social norms and to actively pursue the life they truly desire; a life that is authentic to them as an individual and isn’t limited by fear or circumstance.

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