The winter is coming quickly to us, and that means you’re going to have to change your daily working schedule a little. You’re going to have to take the winter weather into account – employees being late to work because there’s ice on the roads or fog in the air, pipes freezing and blocking the office toilets up, network errors and dropped wifi because of all the rain beating down on your satellites etc.
It can be hell for a company. And as the boss, you want to protect your company, no matter where the threats are coming from. And that means you need to pay attention to the outside world: the cold weather can have a huge effect on how effectively you operate, so here’s a quick guide on a couple of ways to prepare yourself for this kind of change.
Imagine all the snow coming down on your office rooftop! (Source)
Get Your Roof Looked Over
Your roof is your office’s main guard against the harsh winter weather, and if it’s not been fitted properly, there’s a good chance you’re going to be covering the floor in buckets to catch the leaks and drips. And when you’ve got quite a few employees milling about the floor, as well as quite a bit of expensive and irreplaceable equipment strategically placed around the room, movement is going to get very complicated!
So before the temperatures properly roll in, be sure to contact some commercial roofers to look over your tiles and insulation for you. It’s a lot better than getting a ladder out and trying to scout out the damage yourself.
Clean the Air Up
Otherwise, there’s a good chance you’re going to be passing bug after bug around the workplace. Dust alone increases tenfold in the winter temperatures, and you’re going to want to get as many of these particles out of the air as possible – they can cause all kinds of allergies to flare up, as well as persistent coughing all the time they’re on shift. It’s not healthy, and it doesn’t make for a productive environment.
Buy a couple of air purifiers, placed strategically in high places, near desks and window surfaces, to really suck as much dust up as they can. And be sure to change the filters every other week to really get the benefit out of them!
Have Somewhere to Keep the Wet Coats
The wet coats your employees walk in wearing are going to become quite the hazard if they’re just draped over the back of chairs or left near desks. Be sure to have some kind of cloak room, or a section of the break room, that these articles can be kept in. You don’t want them ruining the drapery on the chairs, or leaving puddles on the floor near expensive, electrical equipment…
Your office is going to need some office prep, and now’s the best time for you to get these plans underway. Just in time for the Christmas season at work!