Credit – CC0 Licence There are many advantages to becoming a more environmentally friendly business. Of course, the obvious one is that it will help to keep the planet alive. But, being greener could also save you money, and it will definitely help you to build a positive reputation attracting more customers and better staff. It’s certainly worth doing. But, one problem that many small...
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A small business has a lot to deal with. A lack of marketing knowhow and power to carry out a campaign. A whole host of competitors on the market. And more often than not, technology troubles, and having access to less digital resources than a company with a longer history and a whole heap of more funding does! That’s why a mobile application would be...
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As time goes by, we’ve seen the traditional definition of HR become somewhat outdated. No matter what your industry, you’ll want to move with the times. It’s vital to keep up with new demands and changes in the marketplace as they occur. If you’ve got a sneaky feeling that your HR department needs a modern revamp, read on. Automate for less admin The first and...
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