When you decide to launch an E-commerce store for your small business, you’re going to have to choose a web host to publish your site with. There are plenty of options out there, which can make it relatively difficult for you to choose. But not to worry. Here are some of the best for you to consider!
WordPress is a platform that originally found popularity with bloggers, as it was initially largely text based and offered the perfect space to create long text posts. However, as the brand has grown in popularity, many users have found alternative uses for it. By making use of the WordPress Ecommerce Shopping Cart plugin, you can sell your products and wares professionally and reliably. Use one of the many best WP host listings to find the cheapest host for your WordPress site.
Big Cartel
If you are a creative selling handmade art and prints, Big Cartel might be the best platform for you. It advertises itself as a place where nearly a million makers, designers, musicians, and other artists sell their work, wares, and merchandise. For more than one whole decade, creatives around the world have used this web host to build their own custom online store where they can easily manage and sell to their customers and fans. This is an extremely basic and straightforward option, so is ideal for anyone who wants to sell a little more casually. Beautiful pre-made themes are available for the web novice, allowing you to quickly set up and go. However, if you want to customise things a little more, you do have access to tweaking your page’s HTML, Javascript and CSS through code yourself. Overall, this is a great option for creatives who want a little space of their own online to showcase and sell what they have to offer.
If you find that you’re experiencing a lot of success with your business and its sales, you might want to start ramping things up to the big time. Shopify is one of the most thorough and comprehensive hosts for any retailer working online. It has absolutely anything that you could need to allow your professional sales site to flourish, with developers making constant improvements and adding extra features to the toolkit available to you when you sign up. Selling on the web has never been faster or simpler! There are over 100 free themes and a whole host more paid themes that you might want to take a look at for a layout that’s a little more unique to you and your brand. If you want, you can take matters into your own hands and design a theme of your own or employ a web developer to create one from scratch for you. This can then be implemented via CSS. What’s more? Almost any form of online payment is accepted, but you can choose to opt in for certain options and opt out of others if you so please. Shopify payments allows you to accept payments instantly without having to deal with third party accounts who often take a fair chunk out of the profits you’ve made. Perfect!
These are just three of the many different platforms you could use. But they’re some of the most popular, and for good reason!