Is It Time For Something New? Health / Motivate

They say ‘A change is as good as a rest,’ and there is, in fact, a lot of truth in that statement. Time won’t slow down for anyone, and as it keeps moving and you’re not happy, then you could just be letting life pass you by. If you feel like you are stuck in one place but everyone else is moving on or moving forward, always doing new things, achieving things and you feel like you’re not going anywhere then perhaps it is time for a change. 

Change is scarier than staying where you are; if you’re in a bad relationship, then it’s often the easy option to stay in it rather than to face the unknown. Buying a house is scary, moving in with a partner is scary, moving jobs is scary and so is having a baby – however, nothing worth doing comes easy, so perhaps you need to take the plunge and go for it? Doing different things means that you are learning all the time, gaining new experiences and taking them with you on life’s journey helps to fulfil your life. Changes enable you to get to know yourself, to be a more rounded person and ensure that your life keeps moving. So how do you know when it’s time for a change?

Have you lost motivation?

If you have lost motivation, whether it’s become a struggle to get up for work, go to the gym or even to see friends, then this is a huge sign that it is time for a change. If you’re feeling fed up, you need to re-evaluate your situation and see what it is that is making you feel like this. You could be struggling with the simplest of tasks such as arranging septic tank services, getting out and going to the post office or just watering your plants, then you could be suffering from something more severe so it is essential to work out what’s going on in your head and what you can do about it. 

Do minor issues turn to major ones?

If you’re not someone who is easily stressed and then all of a sudden you are noticing that little things are mounting up to become more significant, then perhaps you are missing something in your life and need to work out what that is. 

Do you find yourself thinking about the past?

If you’re thinking about the past, then you’re not enjoying or focussing on the present. While it’s great to reminisce, being present and planning for the future is more important.

Is your health suffering?

You might think you’re okay, but stress can show itself in a number of different ways. If you’re not sleeping well or your skin isn’t the same as usual, you might be losing hair or suffering from headaches – your body trying to tell you something isn’t right. You need to look after yourself and quite possibly make a change in your life. 


Sharni-Marie is the owner of the epic new marketing company Forj (M)arketing. She is a passionate marketer and business consultant with a huge vision to help small businesses forge their own way to future success. She loves to read and travel, always looking for experiences that broader her perspective.

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