How To Personalize Your Office To Increase Productivity Business / Company

Your office space has a big impact on employee productivity. If people are working in a dark, cramped office that hasn’t been decorated in years, they’re not going to work very effectively compared to people that are in a nice space with lots of natural light and comfortable surroundings. Studies also show that people work more effectively in a personalized office space. If they can bring something of their own personality to the office and make it feel as though it’s their space, they’ll be more comfortable and relaxed and that will improve productivity.


If you’re thinking about moving office space soon or maybe even building your own, you should think about different ways that you and your staff members can personalize the workspace. These are some of the best ways to do it.

Let Employees Design Their Own Areas

Everybody works differently and people like their workspace to be set up in a specific way. That’s why it’s a good idea to let people set up their own work areas and decide on the layout. If you’re moving office or maybe renovating your current place, you’ve got a great opportunity to do this. Allocate each team member a certain area of the office and give them a rough budget to spend. Then they can choose their own chair and desk etc. and decide how they want the layout of their work space to work. If people set up their own area, they can do it in the way that works best for them, which will allow them to work more effectively.

Engraved Bricks

If you’re building an office, you should use engraved bricks to let everybody in the team put their own personal stamp on the building. You can order engraved bricks from companies like Brick Markers and have the construction team put them in around the entrance. Every time your employees come into work, they’ll see them and it will be a reminder that this is a workspace that everybody in the company created together.


Plants are always a great addition to the workplace. Studies show that people are generally happier and more productive when there is a bit of greenery around the place. They also help to clean the air which is a big bonus because indoor air pollution is often a lot worse than it is outdoors. It’s a good opportunity to get everybody involved and let each employee choose a different plant to put around the office.

Personal Devices

New technologies like cloud computing means that it’s easier for people to work on their own devices as well as company computers. Everybody has their own laptops and tablets set up just the way that they like them and they’ll find it easier to use than a company computer. That’s why you should encourage people to bring their own personal devices if they want to. Just remember to make sure that they all have good security software installed if they’re going to access company documents on them.

A personalized workspace has a very positive effect on productivity so you should put some thought into it.


Sharni-Marie is the owner of the epic new marketing company Forj (M)arketing. She is a passionate marketer and business consultant with a huge vision to help small businesses forge their own way to future success. She loves to read and travel, always looking for experiences that broader her perspective.

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