4 Marketing Tips For Law Firms Marketing

If you take a look at law firms and their current marketing strategies, you’ll generally find that they fall into one of two categories.  The old fashioned, boring and unapproachable firms, and at the other end of the scale, the gimmicky ones, that have opted for the fast-food style approach to marketing themselves. 

While this is not a great reflection of the industry, or it attempts to connect with stakeholders and clients, it does mean that there is a huge potential for law firms to position themselves in the right way, in the right places.  

Embrace marketing

It’s been known for marketers and lawyers to clash when it comes to branding and marketing campaigns.  To an extent, that’s understandable.  The legal profession is based on absolutes, facts and evidence.  Marketers are by nature, more creative and often have to take risks to achieve their goals.  When these two types of professional personality clash, it’s difficult to achieve anything worthwhile with your marketing.  When this happens, you will end up with very basic, boring marketing that is barely more than a brochure website and LinkedIn profile.  

Leaders of law firms need to trust that marketers are trained to build brands, conduct targeted campaigns and produce content that is designed to appeal and attract your ideal client.  

Firms that have embraced marketing, such as Boppre Law Firm, are better able to connect with potential clients through a range of marketing channels.  

Be where your (potential) clients are

Referrals and reputation have been the lifeblood of the legal profession for hundreds of years.  While a good reputation is vital to the success of your business, you need to be promoting that reputation in the right places.  People consume content in many different ways now.  Depending on the type of law firm you have, your clients will need to be reached in different ways. 

If you specialise in family law, then Facebook and social media advertising may bring in more results than a blog.  A corporate firm would do better with a strong LinkedIn presence promoting case studies, blog posts and company news. 

Perfect your online presence

Every day, millions of people search for lawyers or legal advice online.  Can you really afford not to be there? 

Hire a professional, or engage and agency to create quality, SEO optimised website that is optimized for mobile and designed to attract your ideal clients.  If you do nothing else on this list.  Do this. 

Track your return on investment (ROI)

Just because you’re putting your faith in a marketing consultant or agency, it doesn’t mean that you just hand them over a pile of money and let them do their own thing.  You need to know that you are getting a return.  Set up systems to track the effectiveness of each of your marketing channels and campaigns.  By doing this, you can see what is working and what isn’t and funnel your budget accordingly. 


Sharni-Marie is the owner of the epic new marketing company Forj (M)arketing. She is a passionate marketer and business consultant with a huge vision to help small businesses forge their own way to future success. She loves to read and travel, always looking for experiences that broader her perspective.

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